Main03 | Rock & Gem Magazine Rock & Gem Magazine Thu, 21 Dec 2023 16:52:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Main03 | Rock & Gem Magazine 32 32 8 Top Geology Careers Mon, 25 Dec 2023 11:00:34 +0000 Geology careers are probably the most evident to casual observers, but there may be a geologist at work down the street or on the riverfront nearby. For example, some might assume a small vessel out in a bay is just another recreational boat or a Coast Guard vessel. In reality, it’s piloted by hydrographic surveyors […]

The post 8 Top Geology Careers first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

Geology careers are probably the most evident to casual observers, but there may be a geologist at work down the street or on the riverfront nearby. For example, some might assume a small vessel out in a bay is just another recreational boat or a Coast Guard vessel. In reality, it’s piloted by hydrographic surveyors taking soundings of the silty or sandy bottom, determining where the best and most stable areas are for planned dredge cuts. It also locates potential shoaling in Federal navigation channels.

Many of us have often wondered if geology careers were possible. Geology is so interesting… but could it be a career? Here are eight geology careers that can provide a good living and fulfilling work.

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1. Museums

Museum jobs are increasing by an amazing 12 percent each year as projected over the years 2021-2031 by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Most require a master’s degree and the median annual salary for a curator was $50,100 according to May 2021 data. Johns Hopkins University offers degrees in museum studies.

2. Environmental Geology Careers

Environmental geology careers are growing in prevalence in many countries. Have you ever driven past a service station where a tank was being pulled out of the ground and the tank and surrounding soils were being tested and removed/replaced as needed? Did you know a geologist put together the plan for testing the soil and groundwater and determining the best strategies for remediation? The environmental geologist career is high-paying, sometimes six figures per year.

Geomorphologists mapped sinkhole geohazards at this proposed Veterans Administration cemetery expansion site in Florida.

3. Geomorphologist

Geomorphologists are in demand in government and private companies. Their work focuses on understanding how landforms change over time. They perform hydraulic, hydrologic and geomorphic analyses to map resources such as groundwater and petroleum. If you love math and geology, geomorphology could be a perfect match. The career pays well too!

4. Hydrographic Surveyors

Hydrographic surveyors use instrumentation to map out the shape, contours and depth of streams, lakes, inlets and ocean bottoms. They often work for government agencies or private companies doing surveys for the government and nonprofits. For example, ecological restoration of channelized streams requires a hydrographic surveyor to determine the best approach to restoration. The median salary is around $80,000 per year.

These cut diamonds are ready for their settings. A gemologist is responsible for their preparation.

5. Gemologist

When we buy a diamond or any precious colored stone from a fine jeweler, a gemologist was responsible for identifying, grading and selecting it. Careers include working as a lapidarist, bench jeweler, consignment director, appraiser, jewelry litigation expert witness, a fine jewelry polisher, and a precious metal tester. A college degree in geology is not necessary to get started gem cutting. There are many gemology schools with programs and diplomas.

6. Mineralogist

Mineralogists collect core logs, conduct geochemical and geophysical surveying, create geological mapping, and examine geochemical samples like petroleum, minerals or rocks using such instruments as gas chromatographs, carbon analyzers, microscopes and spectrometers. They perform original scientific research to determine the ages and other characteristics of specific soils, minerals and rocks. They oversee processes that separate minerals from their ores. The educational requirement for most mineralogist jobs is usually a master’s degree at minimum.

7. Mud Logger

Mud loggers analyze drilling fluids after they have been drilled up. They analyze the fluids in a laboratory. Mud loggers determine the position of hydrocarbons to depth. They also monitor natural gas and identify the physical characteristics of outcrops available in a given area of study.

8. Wellsite Geologist

Wellsite geologists are the next level up from mud loggers and you must be a mud logger first. Both require a bachelor’s degree in geology. Wellsite geologists classify rock cuttings removed from wells. They use rock-cutting data, core samples and specialized tests to advise gas and oil operators on how deep to drill wells. They prepare reports during and after the drilling. This is one of the highest-paying geology jobs with salaries topping six figures per year.

Geology Careers Provide Varied Work

The pay can be good. But geology careers are not just about making money. It’s also the wide variety of work and the demand for it. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 4.5 percent job growth in the geosciences, including environmental geoscientists, from 2021 to 2033, a 5 percent job growth in geoscientists, not including hydrologists, overall, and a 5.4 percent job growth increase in geoscience technicians.

Dennis Papa showing a piece of white quartzite from which this hill is made.

Consulting Geology Careers

Dennis Papa, P.E. is a principal at dpSTU-DIO LLC, Environmental Consulting and Design with offices in Richmond, Virginia and Providence, Rhode Island.

“Back in the late 1980s (seems like the Precambrian!) many undergraduate geology programs were focused on petroleum exploration and mineral resources. That is what I was originally interested in, imagining a career looking for oil-bearing formations. When jobs in petroleum and coal exploration started to become scarce, the environmental industry was just ramping up. I was drawn to the idea of a job that offered a mix of both fieldwork (doing well installation, groundwater and soil sampling) as well as office work to write reports, use software, and engage with other experts and clients to study a contamination problem.”

Many wonder if a professional geologist license is needed. “The P.G. is simply a test that each state offers to a geologist who has the requisite degree and minimum years working in the industry. A national exam is now offered to standardize the test. but not all states require it. Many states require a P.G., or working directly under a P.G., to practice geology, but it is not a requirement for all careers in geology and is certainly not required once starting out.”

Geology Tools & More…

As with any job, sometimes the fun is in the tools used. “Tools always offer that tangible connection to your trade. The geologist hammer is indispensable. A hand lens magnifier, soil color chart, and grain size chart used to compare sorting, size, etc. of sediment and rock samples are important tools to help provide useful data in standardized terms. Aerial photographs are used. We also routinely use a water level meter to accurately measure depth to water level.”

Dennis works closely with other specialists. “We rely very heavily on experienced and licensed well drillers, geotechnical engineers, wetland scientists, soil scientists, archeologists and geophysicists.”

In Dennis’ opinion, “I am partial to the environmental consulting field because it has offered me so much. However, I think there are so many geology career paths to choose from, and there have been so many advances in the subspecialties, that it just depends on your particular interests. Some offer more time in the field, others more opportunity to work in an office or laboratory. And if you can’t decide, the beauty is that many geology jobs offer a combination of both.”

Geology Careers and Hybrid Work

You can minimize the office grind and enjoy being in the field even if computers are a vital part of the job says Dennis Papa, professional geologist, “I was drawn to the idea of a job that offered a mix of both fieldwork (doing well installation, groundwater and soil sampling) as well as office work to write reports, use software, and engage with other experts and clients to study a contamination problem.”

Claire Starke performs groundwater sampling, writing down the reading from the water quality meter.


Claire Starke is a geologist with a large consulting firm with offices around the world.“I knew I wanted to be a geologist at age seven and I chose environmental geology because I felt that it would get me further in the business world and encompass different types of jobs. I graduated in the spring of 2021 so I was going to school through a time when environmental remediation and sustainability was a large chapter covered in all my major classes.”

A typical field day for Claire includes, “I mainly work with environmental sampling in groundwater monitoring wells. I use different types of well pumps to pull the water out of the well at a low flow rate. We work with drilling companies, and they will do the physical placement, but a geologist will tell them where to put the well, how deep to drill, and how deep to place the screen of the well. I have worked with hydrologists and hydrogeologists to figure out groundwater flow. I have worked with chemists to discuss the chemicals found in groundwater samples.”

What geology fields are best? “In my opinion, environmental remediation is the best geology field for the time we are in now. There are always new chemicals being found to be dangerous to human health, someone is needed to address the issue and needed for remediation, so it’s a sustainable career because the job is never done. You get a very nice blend of field and office activities. You also get to make the world cleaner and healthier in small and big ways.”

This story about geology careers appeared in Rock & Gem magazine. Click here to subscribe. Story by Deborah Painter.

The post 8 Top Geology Careers first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

Gem Faceting: Kal-Toh Design Mon, 18 Dec 2023 11:00:13 +0000 Gem faceting Kim Lembke’s design, Kal-toh, is both fun and challenging. The design is based on the Star Trek magnetic jumble rod game of strategy played by Tuvok. The design is a challenge because of the absence of meet points — the junctions where facets meet and guide the gemstone cutter in systematically aligning the […]

The post Gem Faceting: Kal-Toh Design first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

Gem faceting Kim Lembke’s design, Kal-toh, is both fun and challenging. The design is based on the Star Trek magnetic jumble rod game of strategy played by Tuvok. The design is a challenge because of the absence of meet points — the junctions where facets meet and guide the gemstone cutter in systematically aligning the gemstone. Without meetpoints, the faceter will have to eye the position and relationship of the facets. This can be unnerving for those used to relying on the geometric structure of meet-points. To quote Tuvok, “We often fear what we don’t understand. Our best defense is knowledge.”

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Tips For Cutting the Kal-Toh Design

1. Since we do not have the luxury of meetpoint faceting in this design, try to keep the visual proportions that Kim shows in the diagrams. Do not worry about getting the proportions perfect on rough grit laps, but work on getting the proportions of the facets closer each time you go to a new lap/grit.

2. Choose the optimal material to cut. Kim Lembke suggests that it be faceted in medium saturation garnet. I decided to facet the gemstone in golden citrine to give it a more dramatic effect by adding some extinction to the gemstone. Extinction is when the gemstone loses light and we see dark areas in the gemstone. To quote Tuvok, “Without the darkness, how would we recognize the light?”

Although this worked for my purposes, I would suggest following Kim’s suggestion and using medium saturated garnet or YAG, Yttrium Aluminum Garnet, a synthetic gem material used for optic and laser technology.

3. If you are a North American gem cutter, facet G1 after P2. Kim is from Australia and I have noticed that Australian gemstone designers tend to use a different cutting sequence on the pavilion. Their North American colleagues usually facet the girdle early in their gemstone cutting sequence. Regardless of when you facet the girdle, keep in mind that the crown is very high on this gemstone and you should leave enough room to cut the girdle and crown. The pavilion is the same depth as the girdle and crown both are high.

4. When faceting the pavilion, I do not cut P6 and P7 until I have polished all the other pavilion facets. This gives me the ability to be more precise with putting in the frosted facets of P6 and P7. I use a worn-out 1,200-grit lap to cut P6 and P7 to give me the frosted facets and dramatize the difference between these facets and the polished facets. I cut my frosted facets in my example in a similar proportion as shown in the diagram, however, I think a variation of thinner facets or polished facets for P6 and P7 would be a welcome variation.

5. When cutting the crown, the only meet points you have are on the table. Your table size will depend on the depth that you cut C2 and C3. The deeper you cut these facets (or the smaller C1 is) the larger the outcome of your table. Gauge the table size when cutting in C2 and C3 with your rough grit laps and refine your facet sizes as you progress with your finer grit laps. Keep an eye on the place and size of the table.


Stone: Citrine

Origin: Brazil

Treatment: Heat

Carat: 18.1

Size: 15.7 * 14.2 mm

Grade: Clean/Zoning

Design: Kal-Toh

Designer: Jim Perkins

Faceted by: Mark Oros

Studio: Hashnu Stones & Gems LLC

Price: $452.50 ($25 per carat)

Give it a Try!

Kal-toh is a challenging gemstone to facet. In the game, “Kal-toh is to chess what chess is to tic-tac-toe” said Tuvok. I hope that you give this gemstone design a try and that my suggestions make the faceting experience a pleasant journey. Keep in mind that a no-meet-point design also gives you the ability to play with the proportions and the gemstone’s final outcome. As Captain James T. Kirk said, “Without freedom of choice, there is no creativity.”

This story about gem faceting the Kal Toh design appeared in Rock & Gem magazine. Click here to subscribe. Story by Mark Oros.


The post Gem Faceting: Kal-Toh Design first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

Brazilian Agate Inspiration Mon, 11 Dec 2023 11:00:55 +0000 Brazilian agate with its orange-and-white pattern didn’t catch my eye at first as I was sorting through my slabs, but the side of the slab had a translucent area that caught my attention. I’m always on the lookout for this characteristic in material because it allows me to carve patterns in the back that will […]

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Brazilian agate with its orange-and-white pattern didn’t catch my eye at first as I was sorting through my slabs, but the side of the slab had a translucent area that caught my attention. I’m always on the lookout for this characteristic in material because it allows me to carve patterns in the back that will show through to the front.

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While viewing the front of the Brazilian agate slab, I spotted a much more interesting group of features that I could use to enhance the overall aesthetic of the piece. A three-inch circle would allow me to bring out all of the best patterns that the piece could offer. I sketched the circle and added a curved feature on the top so I could drill a hole for suspending the piece as a pendant.

Where do I get my project inspiration? First, this column pushes me out of my usual cab shape routine and into using different materials, shapes, textures, patterns or colors. I read a lot of books on lapidary and jewelry design and also subscribe to a couple of magazines that have current jewelry styles and materials such as blue gems and minerals. Sorting through my multiple boxes of slabs often triggers my imagination too.


Before and during grinding, I make sure to follow proper lapidary safety precautions. While grinding the piece to a preformed shape, I used a one-inch diameter Mizzy silicon carbide wheel run dry to shape the inside curves on the top section. I drew a line halfway up the girdle as a guide for shaping the dome of the cab. I used an ultra-fine Sharpie felt tip pen to draw the line.

After I finished shaping and sanding the front of the Brazilian agate cab, I turned it over and focused on the translucent area. It was to be enhanced and ultimately be the main focus of the cab. From the start, I intended to drill four holes in the back of the cab so they would show through from the front. I drew a curved line in the center of the translucent area so I could lay out the position of the four holes. (It gives more visual interest if the holes aren’t in a straight line and if they are varied in size from larger to smaller.) I also made sure that they were evenly spaced between the holes.


I drilled small pilot holes for each bit and placed the bits in these holes to verify the correct spacing. I started drilling with a small coarse diamond bit. To get the best drilling action on the bits, I turned them on their sides. If you try drilling by placing the bit vertically, the very center of the bit does no work because it is spinning in one spot. By placing it sideways, the diamonds in the bit sweep across the cab and remove material.

I gradually stepped up in bit size and grit size until I reached the desired hole size. Because I wanted to ensure that the holes were highly visible from the front I drilled the holes up to 1mm from the front of the cab. I used an inside caliper to measure the 1mm depth. The final grinding step involved using a very large bit to chamfer the top edge of the hole to remove any chips.

The finishing steps were done with shaped wood bits using 220 and 400-grit tumbling media followed by shaped wood bits and cerium oxide polish.

The finished Brazilian agate piece came out much better than I had expected!

This story about Brazilian agate appeared in Rock & Gem magazine. Click here to subscribe. Story by Bob Rush.

Step By Step

1. This side did have an orange and white pattern that wasn’t particularly attractive but it did have a translucent area that caught my attention.
2. On the front side I spotted a much more interesting group of features that I could use to enhance the cab.
3. While grinding the piece to a preform shape I used a one-inch diameter Mizzy silicon carbide wheel run dry to shape the inside curves on the top.
4. I drew a line halfway up the girdle as a guide for shaping the top of the cab.
5. I drew out a curved line in the center of the clear area so I could lay out the position of the four holes.
6. I drilled small pilot holes for each bit and placed the bits in these holes to verify the correct spacing.
8. The final grinding step involves using a very large bit to chamfer the top edge of the hole to remove any chips.
7. I use an inside caliper to measure the 1mm depth.

9. The finished piece.

The post Brazilian Agate Inspiration first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

Get to Know Fool’s Gold Mon, 04 Dec 2023 11:00:21 +0000 Fool’s gold is a primary concern when you’re panning for gold. Is that glitter in the pan genuine gold or fool’s gold? Although fool’s gold mimics gold, it’s not real gold. However, it can sometimes be a precursor to finding real gold. It’s also pretty, so it’s not necessarily bad to see pyrite even though […]

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Fool’s gold is a primary concern when you’re panning for gold. Is that glitter in the pan genuine gold or fool’s gold? Although fool’s gold mimics gold, it’s not real gold. However, it can sometimes be a precursor to finding real gold. It’s also pretty, so it’s not necessarily bad to see pyrite even though it’s not very valuable monetarily. If you’ve ever dreamed of striking the mother lode but you’re not 100 percent sure what gold looks like in its natural state, this guide is for you.

What is Fool’s Gold?

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Fool’s gold is a mineral called pyrite, also called iron pyrite. Its name comes because it fools people into thinking they’ve found genuine gold.

“Pyrite is usually found in quartz veins, sedimentary rock, metaphoric rock even igneous rock. It has a very cubic form and a nice brassy luster, so it’s confused for gold a lot. There aren’t too many things out there that look like gold besides gold,” said Michael George, Assistant Chief of the Nonferrous and Precious Metals Group in the Mineral Commodities Section of the National Minerals Information Center of the U.S. Geological Survey.

George has been with the USGS (www. for almost 20 years. He earned his bachelor’s degree in mineral economics from Penn State and his master’s degree from George Mason in geographic and cartographic science.

fool's-goldHow Fool’s Gold Differs From Real Gold

Looking at it from a scientific standpoint, fool’s gold and real gold aren’t alike at all.

“Chemically, pyrite is made up of the chemicals iron and sulfur where gold is its own element. Gold only has molecules of gold in it. Pyrite has one iron molecule for every two sulfur molecules. Their chemical compositions are completely different,” explained Cynthia Pridmore, a California Geological Survey (CGS) Senior Engineering Geologist.

Pridmore has spent 33 years with the CGS. Although most of her work has primarily been in earthquake hazards, because gold is California’s state mineral, she feels it’s something all employees should know about.

“Gold doesn’t really have a form, it’s pretty much an amorphic blob when it’s found in nature,” added George. “While pyrite usually has a cubic structure, it usually has flat edges on it. If you see something with flat edges and shiny, you’re pretty much guaranteed that it’s pyrite.”

There are handy gadgets you can use to weigh your gold to calculate how much it’s worth.

Simple Tests to Tell the Difference

There are several simple ways to tell the difference between fools’ gold and the real deal. One quick way to tell is if you bite it and it hurts, it’s not gold. However, this test isn’t recommended if you want to keep your teeth!

“This kind of goes back to when you’d watch old movies and you see the gold miner bite on the gold nugget and says, ‘Ah, that’s real gold,’ that’s because he’s denting it with his teeth,” she said. “The gold nugget is going to be soft enough that teeth will dent it. However, if you bite on too many rocks that aren’t gold, you’ll start wearing your teeth away.”

Hardness, however, is one of the easiest tests, but Pridmore has a better solution than the old bite test.

“If you take a metal probe or metal fingernail file or anything that has steel in it and you touch gold, it’ll deform. Kind of like a ball of aluminum foil kind of crushes,” said Pridmore. “Gold is malleable, it’s soft and it can dent easily. If you don’t want to dent it too much, you can dent it lightly and look at it with a hand lens to see the dent in it. The hardness is really important. Pyrite is brittle. You’ll either scratch it or you’ll chip off a piece of it.”

She said another easy way to tell the difference is in color. Pyrite is often described as brassy, but it has a bit of greenish color in it when compared side by side with gold. In the field, you can compare your find to a piece of gold you’ve already confirmed as genuine, like a wedding band.

Both Pridmore and George agree that shape is also a reliable way to tell the difference between fool’s gold and real gold. They both describe pyrite’s shape as cubic. George also describes the edges as straight, while Pridmore describes the crystals of the pyrite as usually being at right angles.

When asked about the most accurate ways to distinguish pyrite from gold, Pridmore suggested panning and George described a fun streak test.

“Gold is heavier than pyrite,” Pridmore said. “If you break the substances up into a fine material and pan it, you’ll see that the heavier mineral is what’s left behind. Pyrite isn’t that heavy, so it’d get flung out of the pan.”

George added that “in Geology 101, we’re taught what’s called the Streak Test. If you take a chunk of pyrite and rub it against a white unglazed porcelain tile, it’ll streak black. It’s very noticeable. But if you use gold, it’ll leave a light yellow streak. All you’re doing is transferring the gold onto the porcelain. It’s really easy to tell. This is a fun test. I used to go to elementary schools and do geology talks, and this was always a fun one to show them. You don’t expect it to happen.”

There are various ways to pan for gold and several tests you can do to know if what’s in your pan is real gold.

Other Minerals That Might Fool You

It’s not just pyrite that can fool a person.

“Besides pyrite, sometimes people mistake weathered mica for gold, which is a flaky mineral. But mica is only mistaken when it’s weathered because it’ll usually catch the sunlight. If you see it at a certain angle, it’ll catch the sunlight and reflect back maybe yellowish hue. However, once you get close to it, you’ll clearly note that it’s not gold. It just looks like a flake, like Formica,” said George.

While pyrite (fool’s gold) is the most common mineral mistaken for gold, chalcopyrite also appears and looks like gold, but it’s also brittle and not soft like gold. Weathered mica could look like gold, particularly when you’re panning.

“If you do see gold, you’ll see that little bit of grain in the bottom of the pan with the heavy dark minerals. But mica is sometimes in there, too, because it’s flat and it floats around,” said Pridmore. “Kids get really excited, especially if you’re at the river and you stir up the sand, and you see all those things twinkling at you, that’s mica. It can look like it’s flashing gold at you, but it’s not gold. It scratches very easily. If you take a little metal probe and scratch the mica, it’s brittle. It’ll scratch, but it’ll scratch in crumbs and break into powdery pieces. Whereas gold, if you poke it, it’s going to be soft and not break.”

Pyrite, commonly called fool’s gold, has a cubic shape that’s very different from gold and should be your first giveaway that it’s not actually gold.

What’s Pyrite Worth?

Much of the information you find on pyrite declares the mineral relatively worthless. However, that doesn’t mean it’s not used for certain things that can give it some value.

“Back in the ancient times, it was a useful thing to find because it would spark so it was used a lot against steel to start fires. Now, not so much,” said George. “Domestically in the United States, we don’t use it for anything other than pretty rocks, which I guess is a useful thing,” he said. “You’ll often see it as an ornamental rock on somebody’s desk. I’ve got several pieces in my office. It does look nice and pretty.”

Elsewhere in the world, pyrite is used to produce sulfur dioxide to make sulfuric acid. Sometimes it’s used in the fertilizer industry.

Armed with these details on fool’s gold, you should be able tell if those shiny specks are truly gold that’ll put a little cha-ching in your wallet.

This story about fool’s gold appeared in Rock & Gem magazine. Click here to subscribe. Story by Moira McGhee.

The post Get to Know Fool’s Gold first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

Seraphinite – What to Cut Mon, 27 Nov 2023 11:00:50 +0000 Seraphinite is a form of clinochlore, a member of the chlorite group. It is only found in the Lake Baikal region of eastern Siberia. Seraphinite acquired its name after Seraphim, the biblical highest order of angels, because of its shimmery, feather-like appearance. Seraphinite Properties The mica inclusions give the stone wonderful chatoyancy. The inclusions grow […]

The post Seraphinite – What to Cut first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

Seraphinite is a form of clinochlore, a member of the chlorite group. It is only found in the Lake Baikal region of eastern Siberia. Seraphinite acquired its name after Seraphim, the biblical highest order of angels, because of its shimmery, feather-like appearance.

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Seraphinite Properties

The mica inclusions give the stone wonderful chatoyancy. The inclusions grow at different lengths, the longer ones give that feather appearance. Other times you get shorter growth patterns in rows that give the mystic forest appearance. The radial growth patterns in this stone are more highly sought after and make for beautiful designs in cabochons.

Finding Seraphinite

Although seraphinite is getting rather scarce to find, it is still available for sale at shows and online. Most of the time you can easily see what you’re getting, as the patterns will be quite visible on the outside. If you are looking for certain patterns and a higher grade, buying pre-cut slabs is the way to go. If you have never cut seraphinite before, know there are some pitfalls with this material. It’s soft and can easily break in the trimming or cabbing process. It also has varying hardnesses, so it can tend to undercut, as well as easily chip on the edges.

seraphiniteCutting to Enhance the Patterns

When getting started on cutting slabs, there is a general direction to cut. Most of the time you will see radial or partial radial sprays at the bottom portion of the stone. That will give you a grasp of what is top and bottom, so you can cut north to south for your slabs. This will yield the best chatoyant patterns in the stone. I would also suggest cutting your slabs a slight bit thicker than the average stone because of its softness.

This gives you greater odds against it breaking in the cabbing process. Once your slabs are cut, many times you will get two predominant patterns for design. The top portion usually has smaller feather patterns that are tight together. The bottom portion will give you more radial sprays and longer feathery designs. Both sections are great to design cabs with but remember that the solid green areas are harder than the mica inclusions, and will tend to undercut. The lighter the color, the softer that portion.

Cabbing Seraphinite

Once your preforms are trimmed out and you are ready to cab, I would suggest a different routine than cabbing agates or jaspers. I like to start on a worn 80-grit steel wheel, or a 140-grit soft resin, as this material tends to grind away super easily and quickly. Use a soft touch to shape your outside design, then move to a 140-grit or even the 280-grit soft resin wheel to dome the top and clean up your edges and girdle on the cab.

seraphiniteRemember, the lighter the color, the softer it is, so beware when trying to cab thin cabs or long pointy cabs, it can break easily!

Once you have completed shaping and doming the cab on the 280-grit wheel, stop and dry it off thoroughly and be sure you have removed all the scratches by this point. With the mica inclusions running in a certain direction, you will easily see if there are any scratches, as they will stand out going against the feathery sprays.

From this point, start polishing gently on the 600-grit wheel, trying not to put too much pressure on the surface to alleviate any unwanted undercutting. Continue to the 1200 grit wheel and end on either the 3k grit or 8k grit wheel. At this point, it will give you a nice glossy finish where no added polishing compounds are needed.

This story about seraphinite previously appeared in Rock & Gem magazine. Click here to subscribe. Story by Russ Kaniuth.

The post Seraphinite – What to Cut first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

Types of Gemstones by Letter (J-R) Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:00:07 +0000 Types of gemstones include the commonly known, like quartz and ruby, and others less familiar. Here we cover the facts and history of gemstones from the letters J to R. The beauty of this exercise is that it allows us to delve into lesser-known specimens or to possibly learn something new about an old favorite. […]

The post Types of Gemstones by Letter (J-R) first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

Types of gemstones include the commonly known, like quartz and ruby, and others less familiar. Here we cover the facts and history of gemstones from the letters J to R. The beauty of this exercise is that it allows us to delve into lesser-known specimens or to possibly learn something new about an old favorite. This is the second in a three-part series covering types of gemstones by letter starting with the letters A to I and ending with the types of gemstones with the letters S to Z.


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Jasper is found throughout the world. This chalcedony is a cryptocrystalline form of silica. Jasper types of gemstones come in colors ranging from green, red, blue, orange, yellow and brown. The colors are because of impurities such as ash, clay or minerals within the stones. Iron typically creates the reddish hues, while manganese oxide is responsible for blues, and inclusions of iron oxide or the mineral goethite create the yellows.

Many times there are types of gemstones with examples of various inclusions, such as with the bloodstone jasper, where chlorite and pyroxene cause the deep green, while iron is responsible for the red speckling. Jasper’s name is based on the French word “jaspre” which came from the Latin “jaspidem” meaning “speckled stone.” This is fitting because when polished, jasper has a speckled pattern seemingly just below the surface.


The best-known variety of spodumene, kunzite is the pink to purple version of this important mineral that is still sometimes mined for lithium production. Kunzite boasts beautiful pink or purplish hues because of the presence of manganese, while chromium creates the greens of another variety, hiddenite.

A fascinating aspect of kunzite is its pleochroic attributes where it displays different colors, such as a combination of pink, purple and transparent, depending on which way you look through the crystal. This is a key consideration when cutting the gem. It also has phosphorescence, which allows the stone to absorb light and then release it in the dark, as with any of our favorite glow-in-the-dark items. The drawback is excessive exposure to sunlight fades its beautiful colors.

With a Mohs rating of 7, eye-catching colors, and the unique characteristics of pleochroism and phosphorescence, it’s even more intriguing to know that large crystals are possible with the best example being an 880-carat heart-shaped kunzite housed at the Smithsonian.

Lapis lazuli is known for its deep blue, often with gold speckling from pyrite.

Lapis Lazuli

The beautiful deep blue lapis lazuli is an example of when a gemstone is not a mineral. Instead, lapis lazuli is a rock consisting of multiple minerals, including lazurite, calcite, pyrite, afghanite and several others.

To be considered true lapis lazuli, the rock has to contain at least 25 percent of the mineral lazurite that lends to the distinct blue coloration. Calcite is usually the next most prevalent mineral which often shows up as white layers or mottling. Pyrite provides the shiny gold flecks in some specimens.

Afghanistan is the hotbed of lapis lazuli. There are records of it being mined in the Badakhshan Province of the northeastern part of the country as early as 7000 B.C. The name is derived from the Arabic word “lazaward” meaning “heaven” along with the Persian term for blue, “lazhuward.” In ancient times, Egyptian women also used powdered lapis as an eye shadow. And even in the 1800s, powdered lapis was used to create ultramarine blue paint used in oil canvas paintings, such as Vincent Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night.”

Malachite is known for its beauty as a gemstone, along with a history in cosmetics and art.


A vibrant green gemstone with distinct parallel banding, malachite is a striking specimen and its popularity for thousands of years is no surprise. Derived from the Greek word meaning “mallows,” this correlates to the deep green of malachite with the color of the mallow plant’s leaves.

The gem color is derived from the copper carbonate hydroxide minerals often found in regions near copper deposits. Because malachite is a fairly malleable oxidized copper ore, it’s possible to extract copper from it using sulfuric acid.

The Egyptians also figured out how to remove the copper by placing powdered malachite in a hot fire, which resulted in tiny spheres of copper as a by-product. They used this copper to make cookware, and razors and eventually created stronger bronze by adding arsenic or tin. They also used finely ground gemstones as a distinctive eye paint. Besides adorning the appearance of ancient Egyptians, malachite is one of the oldest known pigments and was identified in the artwork of Egyptian tombs.


Typically found with slender, needle-like crystals protruding from the crystal, natrolite is an eye-catching specimen. It’s difficult to imagine such a fragile-looking stone cut and polished into impressively faceted gems, although high-quality gems are truly rare. Not surprisingly, it’s sometimes called needle stone.

Natrolite leans toward a colorless appearance but can be found in white, light yellow, green, orange, pink, brown or gray. When it’s placed under either longwave or shortwave ultraviolet light, it glows in yellow, orange and sometimes pale green.

A member of the zeolite group, which are hydrated aluminosilicate minerals, the name comes from the Greek words for soda and stone, “natron” and “lithos.” It was officially named by the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth in the early 1800s. Natrolite is found in regions where there are veins of basaltic rocks, along with granite and the igneous rock, gneiss.


While onyx and agate are both types of chalcedonies and share many similarities, one way to tell them apart is to look at their banding. Agate sports curved bands and onyx has straight, parallel banding. When many people envision onyx, they think of a black gem but is often found in red, brown or yellow, which is called sardonyx. Red and white layers are usually what is referred to as carnelian onyx, while Nicolo onyx has light blue layers alternating with black.

Since ancient times, artists have created intricately carved cameos. Black onyx grew in popularity during the Victorian Era when mourning jewelry was an integral part of society. After Queen Victoria’s husband Prince Albert passed away in 1861, she and all of the British Empire descended into mourning. Besides onyx, jet, vulcanite and even black enamel were used in the adornments. Many included personal mementos, such as hair, woven into the locket or watch fob.


Peridot is the gem variety of the common mineral olivine and one with a unique origination story. Unlike many other minerals that form on the Earth’s surface, peridots are birthed either deep within the Earth’s upper mantle where they are brought to the surface through volcanic activity, or deposited by meteorites.

Because of this relationship with volcanoes, Hawaiian legend claims that peridot symbolizes the tears of Pele, the goddess of volcanoes and fire. It is so intertwined that there are several beaches on the island of Oahu that are made up of green sand that glitters with these tiny green crystals. Its distinct coloration is because of the percentage of iron in the formation of the crystals, yet can vary to the point where the stone looks more yellow, olive or even greenish-brown.

The ancient Egyptians referred to peridots as the “gem of the sun,” and some experts surmise that Cleopatra’s famed emeralds may have actually been peridot gemstones.

Quartz is one of the most common minerals on earth.


Quartz might not only be one of the most abundant minerals found on Earth, but it is also possibly one of the most useful as it is found in everything from glass to electronics, and has been critical in the mining industry. One fascinating aspect of quartz crystals is their vibrational ability.

As a piezoelectric material, quartz creates an electrical charge when it’s squeezed. As a result, it vibrates 32,768 times per second, and for nearly a century, quartz crystals have been used in watches, computers, GPS units and a remarkable number of everyday items. Found in several varieties, types of gemstones include rosy quartz, smoky quartz and amethyst, quartz is as diverse as it is beautiful. The coloration differences are often due to natural radiation reacting with specific minerals within the quartz. For instance, iron is responsible for the purple hue of amethyst while aluminum creates the gray of the smoky quartz.


The terms “ruby” and “red” are practically synonymous, or at the very least, ruby is often used as an adjective to describe types of gemstones with a particular shade of color. Its name comes from the Latin word for red, “ruber.” Bringing the highest per-carat price of any of the colored stones in the modern market, rubies shine among the corundums, which also include sapphires. Like sapphires, they score high on the Mohs scale ranking just below a diamond.

Pure corundums are colorless, but chromium causes the striking red coloration of rubies. The deeper the color, the more chromium is present. This element also causes rubies to glow under ultraviolet light. Because of rubies’ chemical composition, the first working laser, called the ruby laser, was created in 1960 by Theodore Maiman. One of its first uses was in range-finding equipment, but the technology is used to this day as a light source for medical procedures or high-speed photography.

As this list demonstrates, types of gemstones go well beyond only beautiful objects. The myriad of important day-to-day applications for gemstones gives us a deeper appreciation of what might be considered common gems.

This story about types of gemstones by letter appeared in Rock & Gem magazine. Click here to subscribe. Story by Amy Grisak.

The post Types of Gemstones by Letter (J-R) first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

The Spruce Pine, NC Mining District Mon, 13 Nov 2023 11:00:04 +0000 The Spruce Pine, NC, Mining District is a world-class mineral deposit that produces the minerals used in everyday life that we don’t always think about – in our computers, smart devices and more. “It is amazing that this small (25 miles long by 10 miles wide) batholith of the Spruce Pine Mining District lying in […]

The post The Spruce Pine, NC Mining District first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

The Spruce Pine, NC, Mining District is a world-class mineral deposit that produces the minerals used in everyday life that we don’t always think about – in our computers, smart devices and more.

“It is amazing that this small (25 miles long by 10 miles wide) batholith of the Spruce Pine Mining District lying in Mitchell, Avery and Yancey Counties is a world-class mineral deposit, and so important an ingredient to making the products we use daily,” says Alex Glover, whose 45-year career in the mining industry reflects a rock-solid list of geological credentials. “We often take for granted the role minerals play in the quality of life we enjoy today.”

Modern-Day Minerals

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The U.S. Geological Survey describes a batholith as a type of igneous rock that forms when magma rises into the earth’s crust but does not erupt onto the surface. But the Spruce Pine, NC, Mining District isn’t just any old mass of cooled magma. The 380-million-year-old feldspar, mica and quartz deposits found in these three neighboring counties run most of our modern-day conveniences.

“Almost everyone uses products every day derived from the Spruce Pine Mining District,” Alex says. “Even more amazing is how it took colliding continents and millions of years to place this valuable resource in western North Carolina.”

“If you came to Mitchell County you wouldn’t have a clue as to the importance of this area to the entire world,” says Mandi Polly, who worked in quartz operations for 21 years before her role as executive director with the Mitchell County Chamber of Commerce.

“Think what would happen if the world couldn’t produce computer chips! This district supplies the production of fiber optic cable, solar components and many products in our daily lives. I honestly don’t think,” she grins, “that the majority of people in this area even realize the significance of our mines!”

Mining scenes like this were common for decades. This is the Gopher Hole Mine, located above the Hoot Owl Mine. The unidentified miners dug the “spar” and loaded it onto a narrow-gauge railroad, the “Dinky,” which transported it to the train station at Penland, transferring it to the main Clinchfield line for shipment.
Courtesy David Biddix

Mineral City From the Ground Up

“Spruce Pine, NC, has mining deep in its roots and is known as The Mineral City,” she says. In addition to historic old mines like the Hoot Owl, the region has gem mines and the Mineral Museum of North Carolina. It is host to the NC Mineral and Gem Festival (now in its 64th year) and the 36th annual Grassy Creek Mineral and Gem Show.

A neat local side note she adds is how Spruce Pine Quartz supplies the sand for the Masters Golf Tournament, “because it’s so white and pristine.”

Charlie Mae Sproles, 25-year director of the Spruce Pine Mineral and Gem Festival before her passing in 2009.
Courtesy David Biddix

Early Mining Fame

Some of the oldest original mines — the Clarissa, Ray and Sinkhole — are believed to have been resourced hundreds of years earlier by First Nations in search of decorative mica for ceremonial events and, after Massachusetts Bay Colony recognized wampum as currency in 1650, for monetary exchange.

Alex says local lore recounts how word of North American mica mining by Native Peoples drew Hernando DeSoto to Spruce Pine in the 1540s, in search of mineral wealth he presumed would be gold and silver. But the only “silver” DeSoto found was Muscovite mica.

Wedgewood & Spruce Pine, NC

Two centuries later and an ocean away, English ceramics maker Josiah Wedgewood heard about feldspar and kaolin being mined by the Cherokee, from pegmatite deposits in what would become Macon County. The softer (Mohs 6) feldspar, in opaque shades of white to gray to rose, easily broke along flat faces (in a process known as cleavage) in comparison to irregular, curved breaks created by the conchoidal fractures of harder (Mohs 7) quartz.

Wedgewood had five tons of this “Indian clay” shipped to Staffordshire to use in the creamcolored earthenware that so entranced King George III’s wife, Queen Charlotte, that Wedgewood was granted permission to style himself, “Potter to Her Majesty” and call his fine pieces, Queen’s Ware. The feldspar clay had come from what would be incorporated in 1855 as Franklin, North Carolina. It was dubbed the Gem Capital of the World after discoveries like the 64.83-carat Carolina Emperor, the largest emerald ever found (2010) in North America.

Rubies & Sapphires

Baltimore gem prospector William E. Dibbell was a century ahead of his good instincts when it came to the rubies and sapphires the region would one day prove to yield but, at the turn of the 20th century, he did see untapped potential in the residual feldspar being discarded by mica mines like Flat Rock.

So did the Golding Sons ceramic plant in East Liverpool (Ohio), who liked Dibbell’s ceramic-grade feldspar so much that they wanted more, leading to the creation of the Carolina Minerals Company of Penland and the opening of the Deer Park Mine to satisfy the appetites of ceramic plants in Trenton, Wilmington and Liverpool.

The 1940s were a game-changer. Until then most of the work, especially the ore separation of minerals (feldspar, mica, quartz) was done by hand or crude machinery. Between 1944 and 1949, a chemical separation process jointly developed by feldspar mining companies, the Tennessee Valley Authority and North Carolina State University Minerals Research Laboratory, led to a high-capacity process still used today known as ‘Froth Flotation,’ that separates feldspar and quartz as well as mica and iron (mostly garnet) from rock and ore.

377 million-year-old Spruce Pine pegmatite from the Blue Ridge Province. Courtesy Wikipedia

Not-So-Hidden Gems – Feldspar

“Modern-day mining methods, research, plant production, safety, and product development have enabled the extraction and use of these high-purity mineral resources from the earth to enhance our quality of life,” says Alex.

It’s that extraordinary purity that makes the natural treasures from Spruce Pine, NC, so valuable.

Feldspar makes up roughly 65% of the igneous pegmatite in Spruce Pine, NC, and is an important source of aluminum, potassium, and sodium for making glass – from windshields and computer screens to baby bottles and light bulbs.

“Feldspar is the most abundant mineral on the earth’s surface and crust, but its purity as an ore is rare,” he says.

Spruce Pine, NC, feldspar has come a long way from Wedgewood ceramic teacups. Today, feldspar serves as a flux to fuse or melt other ceramic ingredients at a lower temperature, cementing the crystalline phases of other ingredients together while imparting improved strength and durability. “Its special qualities allow ceramic manufacture of pottery, plumbing fixtures, electrical insulators, tile, dinnerware, planters, and structural ceramics to name a few.”

Mica in Spruce Pine, NC

If feldspar composes 65% of the local pegmatite, mica accounts for another 10% of deposits. Originally used in heat-resistant glass for wood and coal stoves (isinglass), and insulating World War I and II radio tubes, the same properties are used today as a reinforcing plastics and oil well drilling fluid additive, in specialty component electrical insulation, metallic flake automobile paint and cosmetics.

The flat particle shape of the silver-to-white variety called muscovite mica lends itself to drywall joint compound and sheetrock joint cement.

“Muscovite’s flat particle shape and light color allow it to serve as an anti-shrinking agent,” Alex explains. “It applies as a smooth, damp putty, but because of mica’s flat particle shape, it interlocks the mud as it dries, thus reinforcing a filled area without shrinkage and also serving as a fire retardant within drywall joints.”

In the early years of production, the quartz composing 25% of this pegmatite was treated as discarded waste but now it is the most valuable component of the region’s three major minerals. “Froth Flotation enabled better separation of the three minerals, especially the quartz,” he says, thus ensuring that Spruce Pine Quartz ranks among the most important strategic minerals in the world today. Its lower-purity quartz is used as industrial white sand and valued for use on such fine golf courses as Augusta National Course in Georgia, host of the Masters Tournament. More recently, it has been incorporated into the development of quartz countertops for the home.

Spruce Pine still nestled in the Blue Ridge Moutains.
Courtesy The Mitchell County Historical Society

Down to the Roots

“It’s important to know that even before computers were a concept, mining was a very important part of Mitchell County’s economy and history,” says Mandi. “The quartz business helped my family as I was growing up. My husband’s work in rocks and sand supports our family. My son-in-law works in the quartz business. So it is definitely supporting future generations!

“As of 2022, according to the NC Department of Commerce, mining corporations are the second-twelfth-largest employers in Mitchell County. The mining companies are not only crucial for supplying many jobs but are also very active in the communities. Many serve on boards, help with local schools, sponsor sports teams and host events, support nonprofits, and give back, through volunteer hours and countless other projects.

“This is where I choose to stay and raise my children and grandchildren. We truly are – all pun intended — a hidden gem. Spruce Pine, NC, hasn’t been called The Mineral City by chance. Because that is who we are, down to our roots.”

This story about the Spruce Pine, NC, mining district previously appeared in Rock & Gem magazine. Click here to subscribe. Story by L.A. Sokolowski.

The post The Spruce Pine, NC Mining District first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

What are Radioactive Minerals? Mon, 06 Nov 2023 11:00:20 +0000 Radioactive minerals like uraninite, carnotite, autunite, and torbernite often have interesting structures and varying degrees of fluorescence. They can be interesting specimens in a rockhound’s rock collection. Fortunately, with the appropriate equipment and safety protocols, it is possible to keep those radioactive rocks while keeping yourself out of harm’s way. Identifying the Risks of Radioactive […]

The post What are Radioactive Minerals? first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

Radioactive minerals like uraninite, carnotite, autunite, and torbernite often have interesting structures and varying degrees of fluorescence. They can be interesting specimens in a rockhound’s rock collection. Fortunately, with the appropriate equipment and safety protocols, it is possible to keep those radioactive rocks while keeping yourself out of harm’s way.

Identifying the Risks of Radioactive Minerals

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Understanding which parts of your collection may pose a risk is the first step. You might have just a few individual, radioactive mineral specimens. But some large rocks may also contain an amalgamation of multiple types of potentially radioactive minerals. In addition to these radioactive minerals, there are also daughter products that are created as the result of radioactive decay. Daughter products, such as radium, radon gas and uranium, are themselves radioactive.

According to Alysson Rowan, author of Here Be Dragons or The Care and Feeding of Radioactive Mineral Species, some radioactive minerals may even be hiding in plain sight. “A specimen that doesn’t look very good because it’s not well crystalized — somebody may cut that into a decorative stone and mount it for wearing,” Rowan says. “You can find these things on sale, and there’s no mention of the fact that it is radioactive.”

Based in Holsworthy, England, Rowan is also a former radiation safety worker with extensive training in geology. She continues, “There’s no mention that this is not something that you would want to wear, so, people buy these things and wear them in ignorance.”

Radiation detector
Getty Images / Scott Peterson / Contributor

Detection Equipment

Because uranium minerals tend to be very colorful, they’re among the most popular with collectors. “The other thing is that there are a lot of them that are fluorescent,” Rowan says. “With uranium minerals, you tend to get greens and yellows, but there are minerals that glow blue, and red, and I think there’s even one that’s now known to fluoresce purple.”

Incidentally, to test the radioactivity of your stash, you’ll want to purchase a handheld radiation detector. “If they’re going somewhere to collect uranium minerals or they expect to find uranium minerals, a handheld ‘Geiger counter’ is a must-have,” Rowan suggests. “Of course, they’re not all Geiger counters now. . . . A lot of them are scintillators which are a lot more sensitive and a lot more durable. They generally show how much radiation they’re detecting either on a meter or on an alphanumeric display.”

You can also find used Geiger counters for sale online. “A lot of people buy them second-hand on eBay,” she says. “The American Civil Defense monitors are very, very popular because there’s a lot of them about.”

Saléeite and autunite are two colorful — and radioactive — minerals. “In bright sunlight, you can see the fluorescence,” Rowan notes. Both are in the bright yellow-green range.

Just don’t get too attached to that autunite, as it will literally disintegrate. “Autunite is what’s known as a metamict,” Rowan explains. “It decays radioactively, and the radiation damages the crystal. Inside a few years, it’s just a pile of dust. . . . And, so, autunite will actually spread all over the place.”

(Meta)autunite likely interleaved with (meta) torbernite. Specimen fluoresces distinctly under long-wave UV light. From Foggintor Quarry in Dartmoor—Devon, United Kingdom.
Photo courtesy of Alysson Rowan.

Radiation Effects

Containing that radioactive spread is paramount because the negative effects of radiation on the body are cumulative. In other words? The radiation you absorb builds up over time. You can inadvertently expose yourself to radiation internally by absorbing contaminants through your skin. You can also inhale or ingest radioactive contaminants.

The acute effects of radiation exposure can range from erythema — akin to a deep tissue sunburn — to renal failure. “The uranyl minerals—that is uranium oxide as a radical—are toxic to your kidneys,” Rowan says. “So, that is what you’ve got when you pick up most fluorescent minerals. It’s uranyl phosphates, uranyl nitrates—they are highly toxic.”

Over the long term, exposure to some radioactive compounds can even result in bone cancer and leukemia. In her book, Rowan writes, “Inhaled uranous and thorium compounds, and to a lesser extent the uranyl compounds will result in both toxic and radiation damage to the lung. Long-term effects will include bronchitic and emphysema-like symptoms as well as a range of pulmonary and pleural cancers.”

Medium-sized uranium-vanadium nodules in situ are typical of the material found throughout the lower levels of the Budleigh Salterton beds in Devon, United Kingdom. Invariably radioactive, these nodules develop growths of various minerals, including copper, cobalt, vanadium and uranium species. Photo courtesy of Alysson Rowan.

Smoke Alarm

Keeping cigarettes, incense, and other smoky stuff away from radioactive specimens is especially important.

For safety’s sake, you should never eat or drink while handling radioactive minerals. Applying a quick smidge of lip balm’s another no-no. And smoking is right out, too.

“The thing about smoking is one thing that you do is that you handle the rock and you put your cigarette to your mouth and you’ve immediately got rock dust on your lips,” says Alysson Rowan, the author of Here Be Dragons or The Care and Feeding of Radioactive Mineral Species.

What’s more, let’s say some of your specimens contain uranium. As uranium goes through its multiple stages of decay, it eventually releases radioactive radon daughter products and radon gas. “The airborne activity from radon daughters and radon gas itself will attach themselves to smoke,” Rowan continues. “So, when you re-inhale smoke, you’re inhaling the radioactive contaminants in the atmosphere.”

In her work, Rowan writes, “It has been noted that the presence of blue smoke from cigarettes (the plume that rises from the burning tobacco) collects the radioactive radon daughter products more surely than any other means of concentration. This means that the spent smoke you breathe in a high radon concentration area is bringing those radioactive materials into your lungs in a form which tends to remain inside your body.” Such radiation exposure in the human body is cumulative. Rather than dissipate, the radiation exposure adds up. “The consensus of scientific opinion is that a given dose from radon is possibly 10 or 15 times as dangerous to a smoker as to a nonsmoker,” Rowan notes. To mitigate this risk, never smoke in areas where you keep radioactive specimens.

Minimizing Exposure

Although different minerals pose differing degrees of risk, if you are pregnant, you should avoid contact with radioactive minerals altogether. As for young children? “Before puberty, we are a lot more susceptible to radiation damage because of the rapid cell division,” Rowan says. “Children should not be around. . . radioactive minerals more than absolutely necessary for their study.”

There are several precautions you can take to minimize your overall radiation exposure and still appreciate the radioactive specimens in your collection. Besides the degree to which a mineral is radioactive, the amount of the mineral in question matters as well as the cumulative amount of time that you spend in direct contact with it.

“If you sit with a pound of uraninite using it as a paperweight on your desk, that is going to give you a problem eventually,” Rowan maintains. “If, on the other hand, you have that pound of uraninite and it’s in a lead-acrylic case, that reduces the dose rate and, therefore, it’s not quite the same problem.”

Yellow zippeite on pale quartz and massive arsenopyrite with traces of green torbernite-zeunerite series mineral. From South Terras Mine in Cornwall, United Kingdom.
Photo courtesy of Alysson Rowan.

Display Do’s and Don’ts

“You also have to take into account how far you are from that specimen,” Rowan adds.

When you increase the distance between yourself and the specimen, you decrease your potential radiation dose. Adding shielding materials like lead, wood or glass can further reduce your radiation exposure.

“For the most part, you put [your collection] on display in a cabinet,” she says. “The idea is that you’re keeping dust off of your specimens, but you’re keeping dust from the specimens fixed.”

Regarding those uranium-rich minerals, keep in mind that uranium decays into radium which, in turn, will decay into radon gas. Because this heavy, radioactive gas can easily migrate, you should air out your uranium mineral display cases periodically. “I’ve done this with my own cabinet,” Rowan says. “You open the cabinet and stick your [radiation] meter in and the radiation count goes up. And, over about half an hour, the count rate goes right down, because the radon daughters in there only have a short half-life.”

Still, she cautions, “If you’re a serious uranium collector, then it’s probably a good idea to have vented cabinets—venting to the outside world.”

Also, never store or display uranium minerals in a basement. “Radon gas is an awful lot denser than air,” Rowan explains. “It’s a big atom and it will hang around for a couple of weeks.”

Handling How-To’s

If you do need to handle a radioactive mineral specimen, don’t dally. “If you’re working with it for too long, that’s all additional exposure,” Rowan says. “So, the amount of time that you’re in contact with the rock, you need to minimize it. And you need to make sure that you don’t spread contamination everywhere.”

To that end, she suggests wearing protective clothing and disposable gloves and protecting your work surface with a disposable covering. Washing carefully with soap and water is also key. “If you handle a radioactive rock, you’ve got radioactive rock dust on your fingers and you’ve got to wash it off,” Rowan says.

Finally, to prevent ingestion or inhalation of radioactive contaminants, never eat, drink or smoke when working with radioactive minerals, and, Rowan concludes, “Don’t be paranoid, but do take care.”

This story about radioactive minerals appeared in Rock & Gem magazine. Click here to subscribe. Story by Susan M. Brackney.

The post What are Radioactive Minerals? first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

Ancient Artifacts: Rocks as Weapons Mon, 30 Oct 2023 10:00:57 +0000 Ancient artifacts show that mankind has been killing animals and fellow humans for millions of years. Our crafty ancestors made the most of the natural world to create what they needed from the materials at hand. There is evidence that we, as humans, started using rocks as tools (to start fires) and weapons (flint for […]

The post Ancient Artifacts: Rocks as Weapons first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

Ancient artifacts show that mankind has been killing animals and fellow humans for millions of years. Our crafty ancestors made the most of the natural world to create what they needed from the materials at hand. There is evidence that we, as humans, started using rocks as tools (to start fires) and weapons (flint for arrowheads) as early as 2.6 million years ago, ushering in the era known not unsurprisingly as the Stone Age.

The Stone Age

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The Stone Age lasted until the end of the Neolithic era when we learned to start using metals and transitioned into the Bronze Age. The Stone Age is three distinct periods recognized by researchers, known as the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic eras. The suffix lithic means “stone.”

Most of the Stone Age occurred within the Ice Age. Early humans hunted the Megafauna of this period such as saber-toothed cats, mammoths, mastodons, giant sloths, giant bison and relatives of the modern deer. Weapons were needed to kill these animals for food, to take their hides for clothes, warmth and protective structures, and to use their bones for numerous purposes.

The Stone Age Eras

The longest of the Stone Age eras was the first. The Paleolithic era lasted just shy of 2.5 million years, ending between 11700 and 9600 BCE. The stone tools and weapons from this era are known as Oldowan and Acheulean. Several cave paintings date back to this era and depict scenes of stone weapons. The end of this period coincides with the end of the ice age.

Stone Knives, Ramkhamhaeng Museum, Sukhothai Gary Lee Todd, Ph.D. is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

Middle Stone Age

Dates for the Middle Stone Age, or the Mesolithic era, are harder to pin down. This period represented an advancement in weapon and tool-making skills and is greatly regional since there was not a whole lot of exchanging of ideas and technologies. In some parts of the world, it began as late as 8,000 BCE. Regardless of the exact dates, it was the shortest of the three eras. It is notable though for many advancements in weapon and tool-making skills. Weapons associated with this era were chisel-pointed burins (akin to awls), blades and backed knives, scrapers, cutting tools known as tranchet adzes and multi-purpose tools.

Neolithic Era

The Neolithic era, also the last era, began as early as 8,000 BCE in some parts of the world and ended between 3,000 and 2,700 BCE. This was the last period where humans relied exclusively on stone, bone, antler, or wood weapons and started experimenting with metals. Stonehenge dates back to this period. Agriculture became more prominent during this time and a lot of stone weapons and tools were used for digging and farming. This period saw the rise or continued improvements to adzes, arrows, axes, blades, chisels, and other dual-purpose tools used for digging and striking.

Neolithic stone axe with handle ehenside tarn from the British Museum JMiall is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Axes and Knife-like Weapons

Axes were broadly used throughout much of the Stone Age. Axes were useful in close combat, good for clearing a path while in pursuit of their target, but even more so when preparing a kill to be eaten. As the millennia progressed, so too did the shape and sharpness of the stone axes our forebears made. By about 320,000 years ago, axes had evolved from larger, fist-sized axes, to smaller and more sophisticated blades and points. A specific type of ax was developed, known as a “chopper.” This was used for more detailed work such as dividing up meat or cutting into skin and fur.

Blades and scrapers were crafted from smaller, sharper stones than those used typically for axes. There was no uniformity in their overall size or weight. A tribe, clan or family might have several different sizes to be used as each circumstance dictated. When made of obsidian, these blades were especially sharp. As time went forward, and agriculture developed, these would be affixed to longer sticks and become the world’s first scythes.

Timeline of Stone Weaponry

(Dates are Approximate)

1.2 million – 500,000 years ago – Stone hand axes were primarily used.

500,000- 400,000 years ago – First evidence of spears. This may however be drastically off. A current population of modern chimpanzees in Senegal uses spears to hunt. This might suggest that the common ancestry of both humans and apes used this technology and that it was passed down millions of years ago.

320,000-300,000 years ago – Projectile points began to diversify for various types of weapons, including hafted tips.

40,000 to 25,000 years ago – The “Atlatl” was developed. It was a method of throwing a stone-tipped dart or spear that was likely the progenitor of the bow and arrow.

25,000- 3,000 years ago – Further refinement of projectile points, including scalpels used for rudimentary surgery. The Bronze age brought a new era of weapon and tool making.

Fun Fact: Almost all discovered stone weapons were developed for right-hand use, suggesting this has been the dominant trait in the human timeline for millions of years.

Projectile Points

Projectile points were used for arrows, spears and harpoons. The traditional arrowhead is among this group. Projectile points were the premium weapons for hunting. Early humans located near water utilized this technology to make harpoons for hunting fish and larger marine life. Evidence suggests that early mankind was adept enough at using harpoons, they could spear larger fish, including swordfish and whales. Rope was attached to the harpoon shaft so the kill could be pulled to shore.

Large Knife Upper Paleolithic or later 35000-3900 BCE Africa mharrsch is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Photographed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, New York.

As soon as early humans learned how to create composite tools, they affixed sharpened, triangularly pointed stones onto the end of a wooden shaft and adhered them with sinew or plant fibers. As the handle part of these composite tools has long since decomposed, it can be difficult to know whether a projectile was affixed to an arrow or a spear, so researchers do not make that distinction.

Around 300,000 years ago, humans began to adhere projectile points to sticks via a method known as hafting. This allowed the pointed stone and stick to be a singular weapon, much less cumbersome than previous methods. Skilled weapons makers would use fire and heat to perfect this attachment. Initially, these would have been used for jabbing, until the advent of the Atlatl — a device that evolved into the bow. It acted as an extension of the arm and allowed projectiles to be hurled much farther and faster with more accuracy.


An overlooked category of stone weapons is the sling stone. This is probably because not all sling stones were honed to a particular size or shape. They were potentially used in the form they were found. These first appeared late in the Stone Age. Piles of sculpted, similarly-sized, oval or oblong rocks with pointed ends have been found in parts of the Middle East.

Neolithic Stone Tools Gary Lee Todd, Ph.D. is marked with CC0 1.0.

When used in their found form, these are the most rudimentary of weapons. When formed with pointed ends into roughly uniform size, and intended to be flung with some kind of a sling, this evidences great thought and advancement. This allowed for greater accuracy because a formal size could be used for practice. Besides their obvious use in combat or hunting, these sling stones are also thought to have been used to aid herders when controlling predators and steering a flock. Scientists assume this because sling stones are often found in areas where flocks were located.

Multi-Functional Tools & Weapons

As the Stone Age came to a close, early humans became adept at making multi-use weaponry. This makes sense as it reduced the number of things to carry and is evidence of the evolution of stone weapon making. A single stone weapon/tool from the Mesolithic could simultaneously have one side that was used as a knife, one side as a hammer or striking surface, and one side as a scraper. As farming arose, the need to dig into the soil and clear land became important as well.

It was not uncommon for some skilled tool and weapon makers to have actual tool kits of stones to do a variety of tasks. Regional differences have been found suggesting these skills were passed down and that communities had distinct identities or cultures.

This story about the ancient artifacts previously appeared in Rock & Gem magazine. Click here to subscribe. Story by Chris Bond.

The post Ancient Artifacts: Rocks as Weapons first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

Herkimer Diamonds & Crystal Head Vodka Mon, 23 Oct 2023 10:00:21 +0000 Herkimer diamonds equal great-tasting vodka. What? Yes. Herkimer diamonds used as a filter are one of the secrets to Crystal Head vodka’s taste and unique entry into the market. Memento Mori A skull is a common motif for the Latin phrase, “Remember you will die” and the ancient practice of reflecting on one’s mortality, going […]

The post Herkimer Diamonds & Crystal Head Vodka first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.

Herkimer diamonds equal great-tasting vodka. What? Yes. Herkimer diamonds used as a filter are one of the secrets to Crystal Head vodka’s taste and unique entry into the market.

Memento Mori

A skull is a common motif for the Latin phrase, “Remember you will die” and the ancient practice of reflecting on one’s mortality, going back to the time of Socrates, who is said to have believed the only proper practice of philosophy was “about nothing else but dying and being dead.”

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Well, that’s no fun. Even at Halloween. Thank goodness for Canadian actor, comedian, filmmaker, musician and producer, Dan Aykroyd, and world-renowned American portrait and landscape artist, John Alexander. They mastered mixing good taste, good spirits and Herkimer diamonds into a trio of ultra-premium vodkas, in bottles sure to encourage philosophical musings, called Crystal Head.

Clearly Inspired

“The bottle was designed by creative people with the creative spirit in mind, “ says Dana Miller of the New York City-based KLG Public Relations representing Crystal Head Vodka. “Dan and John designed the skull-shaped bottle as a symbol of life, reflecting power and enlightenment. Creativity is at the heart of Crystal Head, with a desire to inspire those who think differently and encourage their creative pursuits.”

Each bottle is the result of using the highest quality ingredients and water from Canada’s eastern province of Newfoundland to produce three additive-free vodka expressions: Original (locally sourced Canadian corn), Aurora (English wheat) and Onyx (Blue Weber Agave sourced from a single farm in Mexico). The origin story starts around 2007 when Aykroyd was bedeviled by an inability to find additive-free vodka spirits to enjoy. So the three-time Ghostbuster decided to make his own.

Filtering the Vodka

After the vodka is distilled four times into a neutral grain spirit and blended with pristine provincial water, the seven-time filtration process includes a final series of three filtrations through layers of the semi-precious crystals found almost exclusively in central New York State: Herkimer diamonds.

Herkimer diamond filtration. Courtesy KLG Public Relations

The result is a spirit as clear and colorless as the natural gems, with a silky smooth taste and a wraithlike wafting of neutral grain aromas with hints of citrus.

“Aykroyd’s process of distilling quadruple times, and filtering seven times, with the final three through Herkimer crystals, makes this vodka easy drinking. It’s slightly sweet and smooth, and offers a hint of vanilla,” reviewed Jill Weinlein in 2020 for

Three final filtrations through Herks also craft Crystal Head’s Aurora, which uses a different grain to produce drier, bolder vodka with hints of anise and peppercorn, and the bottle’s iridescent metalized finish is described as a “tribute to this natural wonder of the world.”

This stark reminder of mortality has evolved into an artful tribute. Crystal Head Vodka celebrated its 10th anniversary with a John Alexander Artist Series Halloween Limited Edition bottle (since sold out at about $700 for a No.1 bottle).

Cheers to the Herks

While your high school chemistry professor would probably say pouring vodka over semiprecious crystals does nothing to materially enhance it, taste-testers who sample the vodka with and without the triple Herkimer diamond filtration resoundingly choose the quartz fluid. When asked why, comments range from “smoother” to “tasted best.”

Legends in the Making

Aykroyd’s collaboration with Alexander (whose works are in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Corcoran, and Smithsonian Museums) began with a shared interest in a Mesoamerican legend about 13 crystal skulls before filtering down to natural crystals almost as legendary in their own right.

What is true is that ancient solid crystal skulls exist. Yes, just like Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Legend has it that 13 (or 52, as in four sets of 13) of these powerful transmitters of energy are destined to reunite in a circle — a dozen heads, plus one in the center – at a psychically profound cosmic juncture in the human experience.

Dan Akyroyd, Ghostbuster and spirits maker.
Courtesy KLG Public Relations.

How Many Skulls?

Surrounding that supernatural speculation, National Geographic science writers Richard A. Lovett and Scot Hoffman add, “There are perhaps a dozen of these rare crystal skulls in private and public collections. Some are crystal clear, others of smoky or rose-colored quartz. Some are actual human size and of very fine detail, while others are smaller and less refined.”

“Thirteen of these polished skulls have been found on our planet,” Aykroyd said in a 2011 interview. “Eight are in the possession of individuals and institutions. Five are missing. Of the eight, each one is unique. Some are green, orange, cloudy and crystal clear.

They are believed to be thousands of years old and appear to have been carved over several hundred years but don’t bear any tool marks. Their very construction defies common logic.”

Attracting Positive Energy

What is clear is that a belief in such crystal figurines to attract positive energy and enlightenment inspired both actor and artist to create Crystal Head as the ultimate vessel for an additive-free, “pure spirit” vodka.

Bruni Glass of Milan, Italy, manufacturers of the bottle, seem to agree. Meanwhile, 300 million years earlier, crystals destined to become ‘spirit stones’ for early North American nations were busy forming.

About Herkimer Diamonds

One of seven rare gems and minerals found in New York State, Herkimer County diamonds, or simply, Herks, belong to the same geologic region of the Mohawk Valley made famous in The Last of the Mohicans. Here ancient dolostone and limestone rock, porous enough to allow mineral – and silicon-bearing fluids to flow through, seeped into a massive network of tectonic fissures and fault lines.

Unlike most quartz found in igneous rock, nascent Herks exhibit an antipathy to attachment, thriving instead in free-floating pockets of liquid inside fault line cavities, or vugs. The results of such disconnection to a host rock are doubly terminated hexagonal quartz crystals, including barbells and scepters.

Herk Facts

Prized for their innate beauty, Herks range from water-clear to smoky black and are purported to have abilities, as holistic tools, to receive and transmit energy. Many people head to this region today to hunt for Herkimer diamonds.

Early Mohawk peoples referred to themselves as Kanyenkehaka, or ‘People of the Crystals,’ says Larry Michon, president of Northern Berkshire Mineral Club (NBMC), and the valley where they lived was called Kayenkehaka or ‘The Place of Crystals.’

The “diamonds” (a 7 on the Mohs scale) were so prevalent that early settlers found them in stream sediments and plowed fields and, according to Schiffer Publishing’s Collectors’ Guide to Herkimer Diamonds (2014), “immediately held them in high esteem.”

Until the 1600s, when European-crafted glass beads usurped the sparkling crystals in New World popularity, they were traded among neighboring villages, used to make tools, and crafted into amulets. Now, Herkimer diamonds can add ‘vodka filtration’ to their resumé.

Cold Comfort recipe courtesy Crystal Head Vodka.

Cold Comfort

1 ½ oz. Crystal Head Vodka

1 oz. Dark Rum

4 oz. Apple Cider

1 Cinnamon Stick

Add Crystal Head Vodka, dark rum and apple cider in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake vigorously for 10-15 seconds. Strain into a glass with ice. Garnish with cinnamon stick, finely grated cinnamon and thinly sliced apple.

Through the Glass, Darkly

An appreciation for the power of gemstones to potentially imbue metaphysical properties led Crystal Head Vodka to work with a second stone: onyx.

According to the International Gem Society (IGS), this variety of chalcedony has a mystical association with capturing and containing demons or imps.4Scott Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic also refers to onyx as useful for temporarily containing energy of any kind and the blackness of the stone allows easier access to the subconscious mind.

Sounds like a perfect container for a spooky season’s spirits. Crystal Head describes Onyx, one of the first commercially available agave-based vodkas, and its luxurious glossy black bottle with matching crest debossed cap as, “a celebration of the powerful, warrior crystal.”

“The story behind Crystal Head is one of positive spiritual energy,” Aykroyd has said and, thanks now to Herkimer diamonds, skulls are more than memento mori. They carry good gemstone energy and, like the ancient crystal legend, become “symbols of enlightenment and hope for a better future.” We’ll drink to that.


Who started Memento Mori?

No.1 Limited Edition Halloween John Alexander Artist Series,

Crystal Skulls, Supernatural Speculation,

Onyx Symbolism, by Fara Braid,

This story about Herkimer diamonds and Crystal Head vodka appeared in Rock & Gem magazine. Click here to subscribe. Story by L.A. Sokolowski.

The post Herkimer Diamonds & Crystal Head Vodka first appeared on Rock & Gem Magazine.
