Issue Highlights: July 2021


Below is a snapshot of some of the topics and interests you can expect to see in the pages of the July 2021 issue of Rock & Gem. Plus, we’ve included some sample pages for you to enjoy.

MAGNETITE: An Iron Oxide That Changed the World. By Steve Voynick

AMBER AND THE KOMBOLOI TRADITION: Exploring the Science and Mindfulness Behind the Practice. By Helen Serras-Herman

CHANNELING A MOTHER ROCK (Part II): Mineral Constituents of the Chert Complex. By Rebecca Solon.

THE GARNET FAMILY: Spanning the Spectrum of Mineralogy. By Bob Jones.

STUDYING THE PAST OF PETRIFIED WOOD: Trust Plant Anatomy to Be Your Guid When Working In the Present. By Doug Foster.

TRAHEDRITE-TENNANTITE: Unassuming, Handsome and Confusing Minerals. By Bob Jones.

In addition, you’ll find the following regular R&G columns: Bench Tips with Bob Rush, Rock Science with Steve Voynick, What to Cut with Russ Kaniuth, On the Rocks with Bob Jones, Rock & Gem Kids and Earth Science In the News with Jim Brace-Thompson, The Road Report with Helen Serras-Herman, Show Dates, and the always popular Parting Shot.