By Steve Voynick
It is sometimes easy to forget such common rock-forming minerals as the feldspars. But this group of 20 closely related species deserves...
By Antoinette Rahn
Zoltan and Jody Matolcsy, owners of Dig Maine Gems (Main Mineral Adventures), have been rockhounds for as long as either of them...
By Jim Brace-Thompson
Astrophyllite is one mineral that certainly lives up to its name. “Astrophyllite” is a combination of the Greek words astron (star) and phyllon...
By Russ Kaniuth
Labradorite was first discovered on Paul’s Island (Paul Island, Isle of Paul) in Labrador, Canada, which is its namesake. Although discovered in...
By Jim Brace-Thompson
Unakite is metamorphosed granite that has been altered by undergoing what is called “epidotization”; therefore, it is sometimes called “epidotized granite”. Granite...
Story and Photos by Steve Voynick
The American Southwest has the greatest concentration of sand dunes on the North American continent, with more than two...