Issue Highlights: February 2019


Below is a snapshot of some of the topics and interests you can expect to see in the pages of the February 2019 issue of Rock & Gem. Plus, we’ve included a couple of sample pages for you to enjoy.

Crocoite – Spanning Serbia and Tazmania: Once rare, now abundant and always beautiful. By Bob Jones

Gemstones of The Biblical Breastplate: New Ideas About Their Identity. By Steve Voynick

• Wulfenite Arizona Style (Part III): Tucson Is the Center of America’s Wulfenite World. By Bob Jones

• Rock & Gem Kids: Geology 101 – Is Your Artifact Really a Geofact? By Jim Brace-Thompson

• Faceting Garnets For the New Year: By Jim Perkins

• Mercury-Bearing Minerals: Enticing Material With a Notorious Reputation. By Dr. Lauritz A. Jensen

• Lava Plains Sapphires: Fossicking Adventures in Australia. By Jenni Clark and Leigh Twine

In addition, you’ll find the following regular R&G columns: Bench Tips with Bob Rush, Rock Science with Steve Voynick, What to Cut with Russ Kaniuth, On the Rocks with Bob Jones, Earth Science News with Jim Brace-Thompson, Artisan Alley with Erin Dana Balzrette and Antoinette Rahn, and Collectors’ Corner by Antoinette Rahn, as well as an extensive Show Dates section, and the Parting Shot.